in-innovative navigation GmbH is partner of the consortium NOVIMAR

The aim of the NOVIMAR project is to optimize the transport of goods on waterways. It started in June 2017 with a first meeting of the project partners. In addition to in-innovative navigation GmbH, 21 other partners from 9 European countries are involved in the consortium, including logistics experts, representatives from industry and various public institutions as well as research institutes. Together, the possibilities and costs / benefits of a new transport system, the so-called Vessel Train, are researched and evaluated.

The vessel train consists of one crewed leader vessel followed by a number of lowly manned or unmanned follower vessels from different class sizes. The follower vessels keep their own manoeuvring capabilities, but will partly under automatic control and mostly be led by the crewed leader vessel. NOVIMAR will identify needed boundary conditions for such a transport system which would be more economical and offers more flexibility and efficiency in terms of logistics.

“As the leading European manufacturer for integrated Inland-ECDIS navigation systems, we believe that future developments will raise the level of automation and autonomy of ship guidance similar to the development in automobiles. Within NOVIMAR we want to contribute our knowledge and experience already at a research level to make navigation easier and safer.” says Sebastian Wagner, project manager at in-innovative navigation GmbH.

Further information about the future project is available at .

Green light for development of NaMIB

In 2017, innovative navigation was contracted by KISTERS AG, respective WSV (Waterways and Shipping Authority, Koblenz) as end customer, with the development and implementation of a software system that is modular and applicable on a nationwide basis. I will be the follow up application (NaMIB – Nachfolgeanwendung des bestehenden Melde- und Informationssystems für die Binnenschifffahrt) to the already existing reporting and information system of the WSV.

WSV’s inland navigation, reporting and information system (MIB I/ II+), which has been in operation since 2010, serves to provide the relevant service and rescue teams with information pertinent to their operation in case of emergencies, accidents or maritime damages. Certain ships are obligated to register and unregister when passing the major inland waterways. Simultaneously, the responsible VTS centers inform the skippers about the state of the according waterways. Thus, ship, cargo and/or voyage data can be quickly provided and forwarded in case of an incident and, thereby, enabling the appropriate measures to be taken faster.

in-innovative navigation GmbH gave the go-ahead for the development of the follow-up system, after the fine specification had been accepted and the critical design review passed.

By December 2018, 10 operational units of the WSV in Germany as well as additional locations in the neighboring countries (CH, FR, and LU) will be equipped with the new soft- and hardware replacing the former system, and, thus, enabling Germany to fulfill, to a greater extent, the current European requirements for the harmonization of the inland navigation information services (RIS). As a result, inland navigation will be a step safer, more efficient and more environmentally friendly.

Automatic track control with RADARpilot720°

Guiding lines have been an approved component of the integrated navigation system RADARpilot720°, and have to date acted as optical provisions for the ship’s route on the waterway. They predominantly consist of curves that adapt themselves to the naturally curved river.

In combination with the argoTrackPilot, a new system has now being created to automatically guide a ship along this line. The argoTrackPilot generates coordinated control-commands for the on-board autopilot. Thereby, it takes into account the specific features of the vessel. It is additionally possible to move the current travel track parallel to the saved track, if the current situation calls for it. The ship then automatically pivots on the new line, without having to switch off the track control.

The RADARpilot720° displays the currently set as well as the saved track on its navigation display. It is presented together with chart, radar and AIS information. As a result, the skipper has all the required information on one screen.

The ship’s captain can then easily choose the appropriate guiding line from a selection, quickly adjust existing lines directly on the display, as well as create and save new guidelines.

Product information

Securely at the EUROPORT 2017

Safety on inland waterways is an issue that is currently under intense discussion. Therefore, in-innovative navigation GmbH will be presenting the company’s latest developments for navigation at this year’s EUROPORT: in addition to the assistance by guiding lines and conning display, a state-of-the-art bridge collision warning system will also be on show.

Moreover, our staff will present you our up-to-date VTS products, as well as news about the navigation system RADARpilot720 ° OS  developed for seagoing vessels.

Convince yourself of these safety standards of tomorrow.

If you accept our invitation to this year’s fair and purchase a ticket for the visit through this registration, you can directly contact us. For a specific date during the fair, please call us or send us a short mail.

We look forward to welcoming you at our booth stand no. 3307!

Innovative assistance for navigation

in-innovative navigation GmbH participates in the SHIPPING-TECHNICS-LOGISTICS (STL 2017, 26th-27th Sptember) in Kalkar, which is the only trade exhibition for inland navigation in Germany.

Main topic of the presentation is a new assistance function for navigation on inland waterways. The proven integrated navigation system RADARpilot720° now has an interface to the world’s first automatic track keeping system for inland vessels, argoTrackPilot, developed by the company ARGONICS GmbH. The guiding lines available from RADARpilot720° not only serve for display of the best route to follow, but can also be used to move the vessel itself exactly along them.

Those guiding lines to be followed may be easily created and adapted by drag & drop vertices of the guiding line using the proven navigation display. Indication of chart, radar and AIS information allow evaluating the quality of route chosen currently.

Thus, safe ship navigation has reached the next level. The skipper is alleviated from tiring routine work during navigation; the automatic guiding reacts sensitively to deviations and, thereby, reduces fuel consumption.

The combination of RADARpilot720° with argoTrackPilot is the perfect equipment for cost effective and safe navigation of your vessel.

EU patent for MultiSensorTracker

The grant of this patent now protects the sophisticated process developed by in-innovative navigation GmbH, which serves to improve the accurate multi sensor tracking of objects on rivers, waterways and in harbors. The process is used in many traffic surveillance systems.

Reliable tracking algorithms are particularly challenging in VTS systems along narrow waterways, because tracking is hampered by shadowing effects due to geographical or constructional circumstances, which is in contrast to the conditions for traffic surveillance on open sea. Furthermore, vessels often passing close to each other may cause erroneously merging of tracks in the traffic display.

in-innovative navigation is working for many years in the field of radar based target tracking and has gathered relevant experience.

Dr. Reinhard Zimmermann, one of the CEOs of the company was very pleased about the certificate given by the European Patent Office (EPO): „Finally, the patent proves the technological advantage of our products. It justifies the high investments of our company for research and development; and it also ensures our excellent competitive position in future.“

in-innovative navigation GmbH becomes member of IALA

The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) is a non-profit, international technical association, bringing together experts, water & shipping authorities and industry. The aim of IALA is to ensure that seafarers are provided with effective and harmonised marine Aids to Navigation services worldwide to assist in safe navigation of shipping and protection of the environment.

in-innovative navigation is proud to be accepted as a member and we are looking forward to an active role within IALA and its committees.

MARITIME INDUSTRY 2017 in Gorinchem

RADARpilot720° smart is the youngest member of the product line RADARpilot720°-. It is designed for use as ECDIS and AIS display and consists of a very compact and robust computer, which easily finds its space on every ship. Together with the consistent RADARpilot720° software, you get a system of high reliability at an attractive price.

Also, new for the RADARpilot720° product line: Information about fuel consumption and engine performance are immediately visible on the display, which is essential for efficient navigation. These data are available via CAN bus, meanwhile common in all modern engines.

The company ARGONICS GMBH will also be present at our booth no. 269, offering with the argoDataPortal, a system that collects vessel data on board like position, speed and fuel consumption and transmits all information to a server based on land. Web interfaces present and analyze the data. This information can also be combined with the navigation system RADARpilot720°.

Be curious about these and other new possibilities and visit us at booth no. 269 in Gorinchem!

in–innovative navigation GmbH introduces RADARpilot720° smart

Since the end of last year it is mandatory for all ships on German waterways to have an AIS transponder and an inland ECDIS map system on board. The new RADARpilot720° smart is a system that is specifically designed for such a display of AIS targets on an inland ECDIS map. Through its rugged hardware, the small dimensions as well as the high-performance and stable software, it is perfectly suited for use on inland waterway vessels.

It is based on a modern, ultra compact industrial PC, which is especially rugged through its broad temperature range and the omitting of moving parts. The device is equipped with 2 serial ports, 4 USB and 2 network interfaces, and thus a broad range of available interfaces.

Through the compact dimensions of only approx. 10.5 x 15 x 5 cm it can even be installed in cramped steering cabins. The option of directly connecting the device to the 24V on-board power system, and switching it on and off with an external button, complete the suitability for the installation on nearly any vessel.

The proven RADARpilot720° application is used as the software. It is characterized by its comprehensive range of functions, ease of use and very high stability. At the same time, it meets all the requirements of a modern inland ECDIS information system. The RADARpilot720° smart has an identical scope of functions as its “bigger brother” RADARpilot720° info, however, unlike this device it can not be upgraded to a full fledged inland ECDIS navigation system with radar overlay.

The RADARpilot720° smart is delivered with pre-installed maps of all European waterways. These  maps are available on the Internet on various European servers. in–innovative navigation GmbH integrates these into a clearly structured set of maps.

RADARpilot720° smart is a low-cost, high-performance solution to meet today’s requirements for the integration of AIS for navigation purposes on German inland waterways.

Contract awarded to install new VTS system at Brussels-Scheldt Canal, Belgium

Flanders has one of the densest and most coherent waterway networks in Europe. In order to guarantee a dynamic management of the waterways, including the areas along it, Waterways and Sea Channel NV (W&Z) decided to modernize the services and update the existing ships position information for the heavy traffic area.

ENGIE Fabricom is the main contractor in charge to refurbish this surveillance system and relies on the solution for integrated traffic images provided by in-innovative navigation GmbH, whose state-of-the-art software and hardware components are already successfully in operation worldwide. The contract comprises a radar based VTS system (Vessel Traffic Services), enriched with AIS (Automatic Identification System) and integration of real-time video image(s) coming from different sites.

The service will be an extension of the existing surveillance system in order to complete 10,000 ton section of the Zee Canal Brussels-Scheldt. The final installation will include high end cameras operated from the traffic center. Due to the service oriented structure of inVTS Systems a remarkably enhanced data exchange with all adjacent traffic centers will be possible in future. Not only the better networking of traffic centers, but also the integration of mobile units expands the possibilities to early detect any dangerous traffic situation on the busy waterways and to react efficiently. Authority vessels will be equipped with portable displays and high end software systems, which helps in distributing the common traffic picture.

To improve accident prevention, innovative bridge collision avoidance systems at two sites will be part of the installation, including local alarming and remote alarming in the VTS center, when there is a risk of collision of a vessel due to height. in-innovative navigation GmbH already compiled a comprehensive feasibility study to identify the most promising onboard and land based techniques for bridge collision warning systems.

It is the first collaboration with ENGIE Fabricom, a settled service provider, including not only implementation of a decent VTS system, but also a contract over the next seven years for extending the system over W&Z area. Volker Braun, in charge as project manager of in-innovative navigation GmbH, pointed out: “We are very proud, that we’ve been awarded the tender for the new surveillance system in Belgium, and that we can cooperate with ENGIE Fabricom, especially since the region is main test area for autonomous shipping research.” Since in-innovative navigation not only is market leader for tailor made VTS systems, but also successful in development and distribution of inland navigation systems, Volker Braun added: “We have the technical capability to be also part of this future-oriented technology. In the frame of this important project, we will – besides providing portable traffic displays – equip three authority vessels with our proven navigation system RADARpilot720°.“

See You at the SMM 2016 in Hamburg!

Our inVTS Solutions are in operation for lock management, in port surveillance systems, for protection of offshore wind farms, but also as complete coastal surveillance systems. Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) itself relies upon our hardware and software components for modernization of Germany’s largest seaport.

Inform yourself about our newest high-tech software modules and try out the comfortable display system inDTS, the web based application inWebDTS as well as our integrated navigation systems RADARpilot720° and RADARpilot720° OS meeting highest requirements for use on inland waterways and on high seas.

Another milestone in the company’s history – its own building in Kornwestheim, Germany

In 2002 as tenant, the company moved into the second floor of the newly built TechMoteum (Centre for Mobility, Technology and Environment) with only 9 employees. Since then, in-innovative navigation GmbH has enjoyed continuous growth and and is active on a national and international level.

On the first of March 2016 the flourishing company has purchased the entire building. The success story of in-innovative navigation GmbH has passed another milestone.

Modernisation of the VTS system on the channel island Jersey

Jersey is the largest of the Channel Islands. The ports of the island and its surrounding waters require an effective traffic management to ensure safe passage of dense commercial and leisure traffic.

Ports of Jersey monitors and guards the coastal waters using a VTS system that now gets an upgrade in a two-phase program lead by FREQUENTIS. in-innovative navigation GmbH has been awarded the contract to deliver a modern VTS system integrating data from Radar Video Network, AIS base stations and radio direction finder and presentation of the information in the traffic center of St. Helier.

The system – comprising 2 servers, 3 work stations for nautical operators and a maintenance station – is designed with built-in redundancy. Special features are the embedding of voice communication and the seamless integration of the emergency management to allow coordination of search and rescue actions most efficiently.

The new system is taken into operation whilst running the legacy system in parallel, thus, maintaining the 24/7 operability of the coastguard.

in-innovative navigation GmbH involved in the research program „Next-Generation Maritime Technologies“

The joint project  LAESSI (Leit- und Assistenzsysteme zur Erhöhung der Sicherheit der Schifffahrt auf Inland-Wasserstraßen) is coordinated by the company  in-innovative navigation GmbH and carried out together with  Alberding GmbH, WSV Fachstelle für Verkehrstechnik (Federal Waterway and Shipping Administration) and DLR  (Aerospace Center, Institute for Navigation und Communication (Neustrelitz .

The project focuses on the the development of assistance functions to avoid bridge collision, provide precise guiding lines, navigation helper during mooring and at narrow river sections (conning display) as well as on exact display of vessel positions and movements. Project runtime will be from October 2015 til September 2017 and it is funded by the BMWi (German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy).

The aim is to enhance safety of the environmentally friendly transport on inland waterways by decreasing the risk of collisions.

Contract for delivery of software for AIS based VTS along the river Guadalquivir, Spain

In the frame of the project TECNOPORT 2025, the company Portel Servicios Telemáticos S.A. will install a new AIS system for traffic surveillance and guidance along the river Guadalquivir from Port of Seville down to the Atlantic.

in-innovative navigation GmbH has been commissioned to deliver their proven software and display solutions for detection, processing and presenting the traffic data. Besides AIS information commonly used for VTS systems, it is planned to integrate meteorological and hydrological data for the first time.

Traffic data together with CCTV images and current weather and water level for each river section will be available in a customized display solution at the traffic center. Furthermore, a web access to these data will enable other authorized user in future to profit from this new service. This might be port authorities or other stakeholders, e.g. companies for transport and logistics.

The river Guadalquivir with a total length of 657 km is the longest river in Andalusia and the only navigable river in Spain. Today, it is navigable for container ships up to Seville, from where already Christopher Columbus set sail for his travel; smaller vessels can navigate even as far as Cordoba.

It is expected that the technical modernization of this inland waterway, which is still important for Spain, will also support the upswing of the economic significance 0f Seville in international trade.

in-innovative navigation GmbH at the EUROPORT 2015

As a market leader in Europe for hardware and software solutions with respect to navigation, telematics and traffic surveillance on waterways, we are happy to present our newest products in Rotterdam on the EUROPORT (November 03 – 06, 2015) in Hall 3, booth no. 3321.

Our inVTS Solutions are in operation for lock management, in port surveillance systems and for protection of offshore wind farms, but also as complete coastal surveillance systems.

inDTS, RADARpilot720° and RADARpilot720° OS (Open Sea) are our user friendly display systems meeting the highest requirements for application on inland waterways, in the sea, as well as in in traffic or training centers. As special highlight on the EUROPORT, the new web based traffic viewport inWebDTS can be tested.

As hardware innovation, we show our new RADARinterface card for PCIe-Bus. This card is equipped with a 14 bit analog/digital converter providing a maximum of resolution. The software itself now offers the options necessary for configuration and calibration, thereby simplifying the installation on board. The new RADARinterface card ensures the continuity of our products and installations in a rapidly changing technology environment.

inVTSbox installed protecting a breeding area of sea turtles

The highest spot on the uninhabited island Gyaros was chosen as position for the 12 feet radar scanner to ensure long range surveillance. The radar video provided by the scanner is transmitted via radio connection to a center on the island Syros, where data processing, analysis and display take place with the proven components of in-innovative navigation GmbH. In case of a violation of the Nature Conservancy Law, the responsible authorities will be informed immediately.

The installation of the system is part of a project of WWF, the central collection and evaluation of data takes place in the office ‘Development Corporation of Local Authorities of Cyclades S.A’.


Recertification of quality management under ISO 9001-2008

Sinces 2012 certificated, the company in-innovative navigation GmbH receives the recertification without any deviations by TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH on July 17th, 2015. Proof has been furnished by means of an audit that the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 are met for the scope: Development, production, sales and distribution of components and systems for navigation, traffic surveillance and traffic management.

Nature conservation with software of in-innovative navigation

in-innovative navigation is awarded the contract to deliver and install a radar based VTS system on Giaros Island, one of the northern Kiklades Islands. The radar scanner will be located on the highest mountain of the island and provide surveillance of the environment. The system will help to protect the breeding area of the endangered sea turtle.